Browsing by Author FAO

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
TitleAuthorsIssue Date
Assessment of the state of pollution of the mediterranean sea by persistent synthetic materials which may float, sink or remain in suspension (MAP technical repots series No 56 )FAO1991
Bibliography of the marine environment South asian seasFAO1984
Coastal modellingFAO1991
Estimation of the toxicity of pollutans to marine phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic organismsFAO1989
Informes y estudios No.25FAO1985
Legal aspects of protececting and managing the marine and coastal environment of the East african region: national reportsFAO1984
Manual of methods in aquatic environment researchFAO1977
Rapport de la Quinzieme session New York, 25-29 Mars 1985FAO1985
Report of the seventeeth session Rome, 30 March - 3 April 1987FAO1987
Report of the sixteenth session London, 17-21 March 1986FAO1986
Reports and studies: Impact of oil on the marine environmentFAO1977
Reports and studies: reducing environmental impacts of coastal aquacultureFAO1991
Reports and studies: review of potentially harmful substancesFAO1990
Research on the effects of pollutants on marine communities and ecosytemsFAO1986
Sampling of selected marine organisms and sample preparation for the analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbonsFAO1991

Browsing by Author FAO

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
TitleAuthorsIssue Date
Assessment of the state of pollution of the mediterranean sea by persistent synthetic materials which may float, sink or remain in suspension (MAP technical repots series No 56 )FAO1991
Bibliography of the marine environment South asian seasFAO1984
Coastal modellingFAO1991
Estimation of the toxicity of pollutans to marine phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic organismsFAO1989
Informes y estudios No.25FAO1985
Legal aspects of protececting and managing the marine and coastal environment of the East african region: national reportsFAO1984
Manual of methods in aquatic environment researchFAO1977
Rapport de la Quinzieme session New York, 25-29 Mars 1985FAO1985
Report of the seventeeth session Rome, 30 March - 3 April 1987FAO1987
Report of the sixteenth session London, 17-21 March 1986FAO1986
Reports and studies: Impact of oil on the marine environmentFAO1977
Reports and studies: reducing environmental impacts of coastal aquacultureFAO1991
Reports and studies: review of potentially harmful substancesFAO1990
Research on the effects of pollutants on marine communities and ecosytemsFAO1986
Sampling of selected marine organisms and sample preparation for the analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbonsFAO1991